Okay, so what is a promise ring
and what does it mean? What is the promise?
Basically, a promise ring, also known
as a purity ring is a symbol of a promise to remain abstinent until marriage.
It is normally tied to the Christian faith but I have met people that decided
this was the path they wanted, regardless of religion.
Let me start from my beginning.
All through high school and college I attended a Messianic Synagogue. I was in the
youth group too. There was a lot of talk about modesty. This came naturally to
me but there was a time we talked about abstinence until marriage. I do not
remember the exact time I learned about abstinence until marriage but it was
shortly after that, I started wearing a ring. My ring was stolen in gym class
and later that year my dad replaced it for me for graduation.
Anyways it was not until college
that I started to really take thing seriously. I was never the type to sleep
around either. I have been through my fair share of relationships and sexual temptations
that followed but I never slept with anyone. Just to step back a little I was
touched inappropriately when I was 15. I will not get into the details of it
but he was a junior at my high school and it happened on school property. I was
very aware of physical temptations after that. Then I nearly slept with my first
serious boyfriend in college when I was 22. I told him that I could not go through with
it. It did not feel right and I am so glad I didn’t.
Shortly after graduation I
remember going to a thrift store. In the glass case, I saw a sterling silver
ring with a heart on it.
My promise ring today. |
I immediately knew I wanted to replace my
gold ring with this one because I don’t like yellow gold. Also I got my gold
ring re-sized and a few years later I gained weight and could not wear it
anymore. So the image above is the ring I currently wear. I even had to cut out
a piece of the band to make sure it can expand with my finger. My hands have a
bad habit of swelling up sometimes. For a few years, I didn’t wear it because
of that.
Recently I made a huge decision
to delete my dating profile and put my ring back on. This came about shortly after
I watched Camp Rock and Camp Rock 2 and remembered the Jonas Brothers. So I Googled
them and remembered the whole thing about their promise rings and the fact that
they did not understand what it was about but were forced to wear the rings
anyways. Well I do understand and I will keep my word.
The promise is more about self-respect
and self-control.
I promise to remain pure until
marriage. This is supposed to be a purity of body and mind but since we are all
human beings and our bodies were made to feel things and our minds think things;
this promise is more about self-control. As human beings we will make mistakes.
I mean I messed around a little in college but the basis of my personal promise
is to respect myself and not sleep around with every guy I date. That promise
still stands.
All in good timing I will meet a
guy that understand this and respects my decision. Until then, the world sees
me as undatable because sex is not part of my relationships. I don’t care what
the world says.
My promise will stand for a long
P.S. If anyone wants to reach out
to me for further private discussion on this topic then please email me from my profile page.