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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Power of Words: Positive Mental Attitude

I have always believed in the power of words. What you speak out loud you tend to start to believe; the truth and the lies, the good and the bad. I strongly believe in positive self talk and general positive words and attitude. On the other side of things, the negative is very powerful and should not be taken lightly. Negativity is so strong that it stays with you longer than positivity. There is a tight bond that has to be broken for positivity to take root.

I don’t believe in superstitions but my culture is full of them. There are a few I grew up with. For example,
I could not hand my dad my car keys through a doorway. I had to step across the threshold for him to take
them. It is considered bad luck to hand something over a threshold. I still do that to this day. Another one
involves putting safety pins in your clothing to ward off jinxed and bad luck. I plan to find a silver one to
put on my necklace so I always have it with me. The funny thing is that my grandfather used to put them
in all of my clothes. Now I know why.

I guess you live and you learn.

May you all develop a positive mental attitude.
