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Monday, March 5, 2018

Writing Prompt #11

If a classmate decided to write a book about you, how do you think he or she would characterize you? 

If anyone wrote a book about me they would characterize me as I am; the good and the bad. I believe that a biography or a story should describe the person as they are. We are unique beings. No one is the same as another. Our flaws are what make us extraordinary. I think that is what makes our lives interesting. I often sit and people watch and think about what their life might be like, what they might be going through, and what they are doing that day.

Let’s use me as an example. You can observe me sitting at a Starbucks right this moment. I am sitting at a sort of bar with booth seating facing the room and the coffee machines and baristas, with a glass wall behind me. I am wearing headphones over my head and typing away on a laptop. You can say that I look like a college student because of all the papers and a binder at my side. You over heard me talking to the cashier. I was at traffic court today and I have a headache. I must be pretty stressed out. I occasionally pause to think about what I am writing. My head sways to the music that I am listening to. Then you can branch out to the possibilities. This is where your imagination can go wild. Characterization is subjective. If three people observed me for 20 minutes they might come up with completely different characterizations.

 To answer this question, I do not know what someone would say about me.
