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Thursday, February 13, 2020

Writing Prompt #18

#18 If you could bring any musical group to our school for a free concert, which group would you choose? Write a letter to your principal, explaining why he or she should approve the concert. 

I love this one. My favorite band back in high school was N*SYNC. I think there was a contest to get them to come to your school to play a concert. There was also Backstreet Boys too. There was a major rivalry between the two fandoms. Anyways, here is my letter to the principal(if I were still in high school):

Dear Mr. Principal(I don't honestly remember their name),

You should approve an N*SYNC concert because the majority of the student body are huge fans.

If anything, all the tests and homework has us really stressed out and we could use a fun activity at the next pep rally.



Thursday, February 6, 2020

Writing Prompt #17

#17 How do you feel about computers? Why do you feel that way?

I love computers. I practically grew up with them.

Computers are a huge tool to help you get a lot done in today's world. College can even be done completely online. Internet began in the late 1980s. It wasn't that long ago that computers filled a room. Fast forward to the early 2000s when I got my first laptop. As a matter of fact, the laptop I use for blogging is that same laptop. It is slightly slower than most computers today. It has an Intel Core Duo processor. My new laptop is a gaming rig with an Intel i7. That is a huge jump in processing speed in just a decade.

While computers are excellent tools, not everyone has one or knows how to use one. Computer class is mandatory in college as all essays are typed and sometimes turned in digitally. Back when I was in 8th grade, which is the age group these prompts are for, I didn't have a laptop but I did have a desktop at home. I remember the computers we had in High School. They were a box with a monitor on top. Good for basic searches and word processing.

Computers also allowed for the advent of social connections via something called social media. My first social media was MySpace. I remember learning HTML programming language to customize my page. After that I got Facebook when I was in College. Staying connected was hard at the time. I lost contact with many of my friends. This includes my husband. We later reconnected. turns out he doesn't like social media.

I just went on a huge tangent but you get the point. I think computers are pretty great.