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Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Writing Prompt #5

Choose an event in your life that would make a good basis for a book. Explain why other people would be interested in reading about your experience.

I would probably be practical and say that a book can be written about my job search. It may help other people better understand how to look for work and the steps they need to update their resume as well as what to wear.
Job searching is really hard work. That's right. I said it. Job searching is a job in and of itself.
The first thing is to make sure your resume looks good. The next thing would be knowing what you are looking for. Next would be a spreadsheet to keep track of the places where you applied and to make a point to call them back after a week. Lastly, make sure your business casual wardrobe is up to par.
Each of these topics can have a chapter all its own.

- Melody

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Why Do People Complain So Much?

There is a difference between someone getting annoyed and a legitimate concern. A difference between someone asking a single question and someone spending all their time bugging people for answers.

Complaints taken seriousy can cost someone their job. That is what scares me the most. People complain about every little thing. Its like tattle tails in grade school. Its immature. I wish people would come to me directly about something that is bothering them and we can work it out between us and not waste our managers time.

Legitemate complaints are constructive in nature. They are an effort to make something better than it is. An example of this is when your food at a restaurant is not cooked all the way or if someone at work or school is not compliant with regulations or rules. Complaining about someone just because you are annoyed by them is the worst reason to complain.

I used to be the type that tattled on other kids and complained about everything until I came to a realization.

My words have more power than I knew.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Am I Really Making the Right Choices? Part 1

Many times throughout the day I ask myself. "Are you really making the right choices in your life?" While second guessing myself is both harmful and beneficial, I think it helps to be confident in my choices. Often the world says something is acceptable but I am over here thinking, "Would God approve?"or "Is that what I really believe inside?"

The first thing I have had on my mind a lot has been my romantic relationships. Should I date or should I try courtship? Or maybe a mixture of both. Start out casually dating while in a group of friends and then get more serious and start courting someone. Truthfully courtship scares me. I have had bad experiences with both types of relationship but if the right person comes along I am willing to give it a chance.

The second thing that I have on my mind a lot is my choice to remain abstinent until marriage. The world definitely has a strong opinion on this topic. I know plenty of people that have no problem sleeping with someone if it "feels right". I also know people on the opposite end of this topic that believe I am doing the right thing and that someone will be forced to fall in love with me for who I am and not what my body can do for them. That sounds great but I can tell you that I have had a ton of guys tell me they can't date me because I won't sleep with them. It is depressing when I remember those guys but hey it's their loss. 

The third thing, that goes along with the second thing, is marriage versus living together. I believe both have different meaning. When married, laws apply to you and your spouse and leaving is not that easy because of alimony and child support and all that. This includes joint bank accounts and joint taxes(if you live in the US). My personal belief is that divorce is only allowed if there was abuse, verbal or physical, or if there was cheating.  Both are severely destructive and hurtful. Living together is a completely different arrangement. You can easily leave and laws do not bind you at all. I feel like it is a way to get what you both want without tying yourself together by law. You can still have separate lives away from each other. Separate bank accounts and even separate bedrooms although you might still sleep in one room on occasion. I do not know the details of this lifestyle but it seems a little distant to me.  Marriage is about uniting as one. Living together is still two people living under one roof. 

Those three things were pertaining to relationships.  There are a few more things that come to mind but I will cover those in another post. 


Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Social Media: Silenced Voices

Social media is the best and worst thing to happen to society.

Sure. It connects people socially and romantically but it can be devastating to your self esteem.

Lately I have been very upset by it and a very famous quote comes to mind. In one of the Harry Potter films, he discovers that he has a connection with Voldemort and he says to Professor Dumbledore, "I am so angry all the time" I am not angry per se but I am incredibly frustrated and maybe I am letting things get to me. 

Lately, I have seen a disturbing trend. Anytime ANYONE says something remotely uncomfortable, comments get deleted and people get banned. I even remove my own comments at times. What is saddening is that people can't freely express their own opinion without someone attacking them for speaking. It is like this in real life too. Often times I am not even saying that someone should believe as I do but there are certainly better ways to respond to someone.

Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Apparently it does not exist on the interwebs at all.
